Thursday, 2 January 2014

Hello two thousand and fourteen, pleased to meet you.

Ah, a new year is freshly upon us, eh. It's normally a time when people reflect on the year gone by and make a new resolutions.....but my memories too bad for that and I don't make promises I can't keep. So, I'm going to attempt to look to the year ahead & maybe lay out some plans. Some of which I may even keep too!

Firstly, move house....maybe.

Big changes are afoot & moving to a new homestead is among them. I've been in the city centre for 10 years and, as much as I love my flat, it's time for change. The fantastic summer we had last year made me pine horribly for a garden...I'll probably do what I always do in the nice weather and admire it from indoors & never expose my alabaster skin to it, but it's nice to have the option, y'know?! Also, a whole room to work from! A whole space that's dedicated to making stuffs that doesn't encroach & then take over and destroy the rest of the living space...I can almost taste it! Think of the possibilities, how much more creative and productive I can be....oh, baby, am I excited at that thought. Less so at the automatic assumption that the boy & I will produce offspring, but you never know, eh....

Get more housewares on the go.

In relation to the above, I can now expand on the amount and size of furniture I customise. Yes I am excited about this, think of the possibilities! My wee mind is awash with ideas, but don't expect to see any of them for the first few months of the year, cos it's gonna be a busy one!
And not to fret if your into the wee disfigured figurines, they'll still be plenty of those in the mix...

Little and large....the possibilities are endless!

Attempt to blog more.

Yes, it's fair to say my blogging is anything but regular. It's sketchy at best, but please forgive me, I have dead good reasons, honest!!
Firstly, my flat is too big of a middin (tip) to take any kind of decent picture to do regular outfit posts. I work from here & it's jam packed as a result, but hopefully the big move ahead will remedy this. 
I'm also pretty busy a lot of the time making stuff and attempting to go to the gym as well as being very absent minded, but I shall attempt to remedy this & bring more of my random rants, reviews & nonsensical chat for no apparent reason.

Rant more!

I am a big animal lover, always have been. I have always been vehemently anti-fur, but in the past wee while I've been less vocal about it than in the past. Not sure why. The recent images of Miley Cyrus and Rita Ora are massively dis-heartening & just lend to thoughtless consumerism in my opinion. So if they're gonna wear it, folks like me are gonna combat it where we can!! Although I'll try not to make the picture I post too graphic......try.
Holding in a good rant poisons the soul, so time to let it out!
Let Ms Cyrus know how you feel -

Now, I may do a range of Taxidermy? jewellery, but please bare in mind that any wee beastie I use met a natural end, they WERE NOT harmed in any way by me or anyone else. They are normally found & I think they are beautiful and it's better to preserve them forever rather than see them lie about the ground, waiting to be unknowingly squished by a passer by....
A beautiful butterfly I found and preserved.

Get my make-up ooooan.

I qualified as a make-up artist in 2007 & it's safe to say that I really love it....colouring in faces is never a bad thing. But of late I feel I've neglected it in favour of crafting. In the coming year I will be the maid of  honor at my best friends wedding, so that shall be the first task on my make-up ago-go. I'll also be doing my best to get back into photo shoots as I always really enjoy them and have had the privilege of working with some cracking photographers and models who really make you feel like part of the overall creative process. 

On top of that I'm also going to try and wear make-up more myself. There's no better way of testing out and practising using a product than on your own face, but sitting making things or going to the gym don't lend themselves to putting on make-up much, do they? Time to get out more Lady Bon! I may have to get ma ass a part time job I think....

Have I mentioned my best friend is getting married?

That's right, my dearest chum has decided that it's time to sacrifice herself to the God of matrimony this year ....mental, I know ;) But I get to wear a fabulous dress & be fancy for a day, so batter in! 

All this sounds positively exhausting....think I'll see you all in April!

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